Women & Men’s Health

Tired Of The Got To Go Feeling?

Pelvic floor muscles are the layer of muscles that support the pelvic organs and span the bottom of the pelvis. Strong pelvic floor muscles gives you control over your bladder and bowel. Weakened pelvic floor muscles mean your internal organs are not fully supported and you may have difficulty controlling the release of urine.


At Luxe Wellness & Aesthetics, we understand that this could be an odd or uncomfortable conversation to have, however we have a solution. EMSELLA helps those suffering from incontinence overcome their most intimate concerns. This unique, state-of-the-are technology has revolutionized intimate health and wellness- allowing me and women suffering from incontinence or urgency to address their symptoms with a completely non-invasive treatment option. Please consider a consultation if you want to discuss options for pelvic floor muscles, urinary leakage, urinary urgency, urinary frequency, or sexual health.

Additionally, the EMSELLA treatment can dramatically increase the sexual experience for both men and women.